Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Local Venue Review by Erilyn Daly: Eisenberg's Skatepark

Venue: Eisenberg's Skatepark

Alright, third venue of the week, and keeping with the childhood rhyme, the first would be the worst, the second the best, and this one would either have a treasure chest or a hairy chest, depending on how you used to say it. This venue comes out of Plano: Eisenberg’s Skatepark. That’s right, it’s a skatepark AND it sometimes holds concerts. I needn’t say more as to why it’s the venue of the week (because it’s a skatepark, duh), but I will!!

Eisenberg’s is pretty randomly located, its in this nice looking area of Plano, right by some railroad tracks. I drove by it twice before realizing where it was. Which, if you read last week, could just mean that I’m not very good with directions.

Anyway, I’ve only had the pleasure of making my way out there once but I enjoyed it immensely, even though the bands didn’t seem to. I went out and saw Four Letter Lie, Lovehatehero, and Of Machines; there were literally like 25 people there, and I missed Of Machines because I got there late. By the way, if you’re planning on going, know that the shows start super-early, and are usually over by 10:00. Four Letter Lie and Lovehatehero were very unimpressed with the lack of turnout, and seemed to be kind of upset about it. Four Letter Lie’s singer said it felt like band practice because of such a small crowd, and even said “I’m glad you could all make it out to see our band practice.” He also kept laughing between songs in a way like “I can’t believe we don’t have more people here.” I guess he wasn’t too impressed with us (the crowd) but everyone sure seemed pretty impressed with them. The following day, all the same bands played at the Ridglea Theater (which will be a venue of the week shortly) with like a gajllion other bands and there were TONS more people, making the show a gajillion times less intimate. This made their show at Eisenberg’s all the more special.

There isn’t a lot of room (because it’s a skatepark, duh) for the crowd, so from wherever you’re standing you’re gonna have a pretty good view of the performers, and be very up close and personal. One thing you do have to worry about is those crazy slam dancers. I almost got decapitated like 5 times. Crazy kids. The sound quality isn’t the best (because it’s a skatepark, duh) but in between bands you can watch kids skateboard!! And hopefully there will be some cool tricks going on or maybe someone will just fall and it’ll be funny (don’t judge me, you’d totally laugh, too!!). The only thing I really did not like about Eisenberg’s was the bathroom (because it’s a skatepark, duh). When you go out there, maybe try and not drink too many liquids, that way you can just avoid them all together.

So yeah, go checkout Eisenberg’s guys, and bring your skateboards, scooters, and rollerblades with you!!

-Erilyn Daly

Movie Review by Matt Arnold: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Movie: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

So you’re a 22-year-old slacker, have no job, are the bassist in a small garage band, and just got dumped by your girlfriend. What do you do now? Date a high schooler of course. Now this might not be the logical choice for most of us, but for Scott Pilgrim it is. And thus we are introduced to the video game and comic book influenced world of “Scott Pilgrim vs. The World”. From here Scott becomes entranced with another girl, the mysterious newcomer to the neighborhood, Ramona Flowers. And the only thing keeping them apart, besides Scott having to break up with his current girl, is Ramona’s 7 Evil Exes… du du dun…

“Scott Pilgrim vs. The World” is the third movie from Edgar Wright (Director of “Shaun of the Dead” and “Hot Fuzz”, now if you don’t know either of those films do yourself a favor and watch them immediately). It stars Michael Cera (“Juno” “Arrested Development”) as Slacker Hero extraordinaire Scott Pilgrim and Mary Elizabeth Winstead (“Live Free or Die Hard”) as The love interest with baggage Ramona Flowers. And is based on the graphic novels by Bryan Lee O’Malley. I personally don’t think any other director than Edgar Wright could have done this movie. He can put multiple genres in one movie with complete ease and without making any part feel like a copout. From Action, to Comedy, to Romance, everything is handled with care and done right. Now the real standout in this film are all the little visual flourishes that happen throughout, like the lighting bolts that appear around the band as they play, or the giant KO that flashes across the screen as Scott defeats an ex. This is one of those films that needs to be experienced, it is seriously a live action comic book/video game. All of the characters were great, but the biggest standout was easily the Vegan Todd Ingram (Ex #3). Every scene he is in is classic.

YOUR TEXT HERE.It was easily one of my favorite films of the year, right up there with “Kick-Ass” and “Toy Story 3”. But the one complaint I did have with this movie lies in one person, and that is Michael Cera. I personally cannot stand him. He is been the same character in everything he has been in for eight years now. I think there are much better actors that can do the same role and have far better acting range, Jesse Eisenberg (Zombieland) for one. But this is more of a personal preference then anything else. This movie is extremely enjoyable for anyone who has basic knowledge of pop culture (which I’m sure we all do here in Hot Topic land) and maybe be a little out there for the older crowd (sorry Grandma, but this film is not for you).

-Matt Arnold